


Guys, have you ever really sat down and tried to analyse the way that you communicate with people? Have you ever thought about how the delivery of words can influence which way things go? Do you ever sit outside of yourself and observe what or how you do things, how you say things? Are you an observer or just someone taking part in the story of your life? Do you realise that good Communication governs your success in all that you do? Not just in business but also in relationships?

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How Beliefs Affect Friendships

How Beliefs Affect Friendships

How Beliefs Affect Friendships

In this article, I am going to discuss How Beliefs Affect Friendships. Whether you are aware of it or not, your opinions and judgments of others, and your beliefs about the world around you, massively affect other people’s behaviour. Your way of thinking locks those around you into a straight-jacket from which (if they are unaware of what’s going on) they’re unable to step out of. Even if their intentions or actions aren’t as you deem them to be, you will perceive their behaviour as a match for the beliefs that you hold of them. Continue Reading