
Discover Your Life’s Purpose Today

Discover Your Life's Purpose Today

Discover Your Life’s Purpose Today

Do you ever feel stuck? Perhaps you don’t have the job you want, or the relationship, or the financial situation. You probably know what it is that you don’t want, but have you ever taken the time to figure out what it is that you do want? At this crucial junction in the world’s timeline, it is more important than ever before to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Today. There are two timelines ahead of us – one for those who are awake and one for those who are asleep. Which timeline are you on? Continue Reading

What is Our Purpose?

What is Our Purpose

What is Our Purpose?

I am often asked during a reading what the client’s purpose is. To be honest, I don’t like even broaching that question for my client because each man or woman’s purpose is a very personal thing. For you to know what your purpose is, the revelation of that has to come from a place deep inside of you. It has to come from your connection to God. What is Our Purpose? I can give you an overall summary in general, but you have to find out what your own specific purpose in life is yourself. I recommend that you read this article before you ask me that question in your reading. Continue Reading

How to Find Your Purpose

How to Find Your Purpose

How to Find Your Purpose

Many of my clients phone me and speak with me about this dull ache in their heart that never seems to go away. They tell me that it seems to be due to the fact that they have not as yet found their purpose in life. Thus, they don’t really feel that their life has any meaning.  Don’t lose hope if you’re in the same boat though. It’s not that difficult to figure out what you’re meant to do in life. Here are a few tips on How to Find Your Purpose.

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