accurate psychic thirroul

All posts tagged accurate psychic thirroul



My work as a psychic has never been more hindered than it is at the moment. I get asked about what’s coming in the area of finance by the clients who call me. The problem is that when I tell them what I See, they don’t believe me. They ridicule, mock, scoff, laugh or criticise. They leave negative reviews. Unfortunately people are so Brainwashed by the media that they simply cannot believe that the good things that I See coming will actually occur.

People have been MKultra-ed. 

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Alan Jones Speaks About the Election


Alan Jones Speaks About the Election

Information on the US election is being censored by ‘powerful interests’ in the media. Alan Jones Speaks About the Election. He says that powerful interests are censoring the reporting of aspects of the US presidential election. They are preventing a worldwide audience from hearing important information relating to voting in America. Continue Reading

The COVID Pandemic is a Hoax

The COVID Pandemic is a Hoax

Bombshell news. A change of opinion is occurring and in several countries, the people who are continuing to hold the public in lockdown are being charged, including in the Netherlands. Watch the video above to hear doctors and experts from around the world speak about the fact that the pandemic doesn’t exist. The COVID Pandemic is a Hoax.

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A Spiritual Perspective

A Spiritual Perspective

A Spiritual Perspective

I was shown a vision of multiple things during a time when I was very tired. My mind was so tired that its chattering voice fell back into the recesses of my mind. Having asked to be given A Spiritual Perspective on our world, I was prompted to ask the question “Why, at the end of every age, are there always ‘Noah’s Ark’-type events throughout history?” I was then shown the following, plus a whole lot more. Continue Reading

Why Red-Pilling the Masses is Often Futile

Why Red-Pilling the Masses is Often Futile

Why Red-Pilling the Masses is Often Futile

Have you ever spoken of what’s going on in the world and people look at you like you’re a looney? Or they’ve said something like “So you’re a conspiracy theorist then?” (I had one of those this week). Have you ever wondered why it’s so difficult for some people to understand what you’re talking about? Why they defend their prison wardens so emphatically? Why they believe in the need to do what the government tells us to do? (I had one of those this week also). I’m about to explain Why Red-Pilling the Masses is Often Futile.

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Recommended Reading re Vaccines

Recommended Reading re Vaccines

Recommended Reading re Vaccines

Below is a list of Recommended Reading re Vaccines. The human body was created to withstand all kinds of diseases. The population has been subjected to the release of all kinds of viruses for hundreds of years now. We are used as guinea pigs for those who own the pharmaceutical industry. They like to cull the population every now and then too, and they use vaccines and other drugs in order to do so. Read these books to dismantle your programming about the necessity of vaccinations. Continue Reading

Defining Generosity (One of The 3 Graces)

True Generosity

Defining Generosity

Defining Generosity isn’t as simple as one might think. Generosity is much broader than simply giving people your time or something that they might need. It involves far more than giving away your unwanted items to your local charity store or donating money that you can afford to help someone who is in need. Being generous involves much more than that. One’s underlying thoughts, feelings and motives matter, too. Generosity is one of the three Graces.

Yes, certainly it involves giving of your time and energy to a cause or project for which you don’t expect anything in return. However, true generosity is an attitude. It’s an attitude whereupon giving away something that is valuable to you, you experience no sense of loss and no desire for some kind of personal benefit. It is most powerful when what we’re giving away is something that we haven’t already lost our attachment to. Generosity is also giving without a sense of obligation. Giving for no other reason than the empathic desire to help someone else. Continue Reading

Australians Need to Wake Up Now!

Australians Need to Wake Up Now!

Australians Need to Wake Up Now!

I am writing this post today as I am feeling very concerned for Australia, the world and the human race. This is important. Australians Need to Wake Up Now! Continue Reading

I’d Rather Not Be Right

I'd Rather Not Be Right

I’d Rather Not Be Right

I had a falling out with a friend this week over a difference of opinion about what is going on in the world right now. Not a nice feeling. She told me that I was out of line and that I needed to check my facts. She also said that I should step away from the “Conspiracy Theory” bullshit and come back to reality. Unfortunately for her. I can’t do that. I know far too much and although I’d Rather Not Be Right about these things, the truth is that I am. You see, the facts are ugly, messy, and traumatic, but that does not make them untrue.

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Victorians For Vaccine Choice

Victorians for Vaccine Choice

Victorians For Vaccine Choice

The solicitors at Victorians For Vaccine Choice are making headway repealing the mandatory flu shot back to “recommended” for those who work in aged care and visitors in Victoria. They’re hoping that with increased pressure it will follow through to all states. They are also standing up for the 3000 low-income people still locked in (not locked down) 9 apartment buildings (which just so happens to be on prime real-estate with development applications already approved!!) being forced to comply with COVID testing (but not the rich apartment blocks across from them!!).

I am concerned about the reporting and lack of transparency around the number of ‘COVID cases. Continue Reading