phone a psychic

All posts tagged phone a psychic

The Magician Emerald Tolemac


This is the Magician Emerald Tolemac Tarot card. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga.

The Magician Emerald Tolemac

Here we see Merlin the Magician with his right arm lifted and his hand holding a wand (earth) pointing to the sky (air) and creating the sign of Infinity (timelessness) in the air above him with the wand. The left arm is essentially hanging at his side (earth), the forearm lifted enough to allow the hand to form the letter “M” that we see in sign language when deaf people communicate. This simply reinforces the M needed for the Mastery that is required when one fuses their base self with their higher self and becomes the Magician. Continue Reading

Domestic Violence from a Higher Perspective

Domestic Violence from a Higher Perspective

Domestic Violence from a Higher Perspective

Most people think that there are no easy answers as to why relationships fail, or why they have had such a difficult time in a relationship. This article will help us to understand Domestic Violence from a Higher Perspective, but before I begin to reveal the simple yet rarely known reason why a relationship fails, let’s first define the word relationship in this article. A relationship is defined as: the way in which two people behave (primarily think) toward each other. Continue Reading