tarot readings toowoomba

All posts tagged tarot readings toowoomba

9 Signs that You Are a Light-Worker

9 Signs that You Are a Light-Worker

This article is inspired by a video that I recently watched about people who are ‘chosen’. Now, my ol’ teacher always warned us about referring to ourselves as special or chosen, so I have taken the information in the video and adjusted it so that it provides good inspiration without sending my readers into a false sense of self-importance. I hope that you enjoy reading the 9 Signs that You Are a Light-Worker, and that this article makes things more clear for you. Continue Reading



My work as a psychic has never been more hindered than it is at the moment. I get asked about what’s coming in the area of finance by the clients who call me. The problem is that when I tell them what I See, they don’t believe me. They ridicule, mock, scoff, laugh or criticise. They leave negative reviews. Unfortunately people are so Brainwashed by the media that they simply cannot believe that the good things that I See coming will actually occur.

People have been MKultra-ed. 

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