The Empress Traits
The Empress is the third card in the Major arcana of the tarot. She is a symbol of feminine power, of the Feminine principle, she symbolises fertility and of course, she symbolises beauty. She is very mysterious and her message is to listen to your intuition, to listen to your feminine side.
In the Major arcana, we have two female archetypes: The High Priestess and The Empress. The Empress is a symbol of a life-giving mother and she reminds us that our mother nature is very powerful while she encourages us to strengthen our connection with Mother Earth.
The Empress is a mother, a creator, and a nurturer. In a word, she symbolises the fruitful mother of thousands. Often false pleasures take us from our roots and that’s why The Empress reminds us to be very careful. The Empress tells us that we should keep our feet strongly planted in our earth. She also symbolises motherhood and in fact, she is not an individual mother, she is an archetype of mother love.
In the mirror worlds, there are two women who are the mothers of the souls of all of the humans on earth, and The Empress represents one of the incarnations of one of those women. She loves, cares, and thinks about you. She always goes beyond the term motherhood because she symbolises all features of motherhood. She reminds us to be very generous while at the same time enjoying life. She wants us to respond to nature by going outdoors, embracing nature, and by feeling connected with nature. She always cares about others, and she expresses joy and the desire to live. She symbolises the gratitude of all mothers because her children are the children of the mothers on earth. She feels very rich because nature gave her children.
Traditionally she is associated with maternal power and love. She has a strong creative and artistic energy. The Empress stands for all things motherly. She prompts you to move forward to fulfill your full potential. She is also associated with inferior Garden of Eden, with earthly paradise.
The Empress is the Queen of Heaven, and as you can see on the card she wears a crown of stars. She is the great goddess and consort of god. The Empress shows deep connection with our femininity. The word femininity may be translated into several ways like: beauty, fertility, creativity, love, wisdom, joy, nurturing, caring etc. The Empress wants you to be connected with your feminine power and wants you to listen to your intuition. She encourages you to spend more time in nature. Don’t stay at hotels during your holidays, just go outside, and be a part of nature, feel the love and real power of the earth around you. Treat your body well, and enjoy every day of your life.
The Empress represents the birth of new and creative ideas, projects, products, or just a new way of life. New ideas and projects definitely will result in big success. She advises us to care more about others, to connect with them by caring, loving, and nurturing more. Find new friends, talk to them, support them, and care about them.
As you know tarot and astrology are tightly connected with each other. Every card of the Major arcana has its own association with astrology. The Empress is associated with the planet Venus. Planet Venus is all about love, beauty, caring, and friendship. Venus is called the sister star of the sun and shines brightly because it’s very close to the sun. Sometimes Venus is known as the morning star because she rises before the sun, however, sometimes Venus is known as the evening star. Venus expresses love through our emotions, our relationships. In mythology, Venus was the name given to a great goddess of love and beauty. In Greek mythology, she is known as Aphrodite. In fact, Venus describes your feelings, how you love, what and whom you love. As you see The Empress and the planet Venus have deep connections with each other and they both represent love and beauty.
In the Rider Waite version of the card, The Empress is a blond-haired woman who has a calm aura and is very peaceful. Under a golden sky, she sits on a cubed stone. She rests one hand on her knee and the other is raised. As you see she barely lifts her golden scepter. From the card, it is clear that she worries too much about others. On the left side of the card, there is heart-shaped shield and it contains the symbol of Venus – the planet of love and beauty. This symbol is the artwork on the card that shows the connection between The Empress and the planet Venus.
The Empress wears a crown of twelve stars which represent the twelve signs of the zodiac and The Empress’s mastery over each zodiac. The shield which is heart-shaped simply means that she is protecting herself with her beauty. She has wheat under her feet and that represents her basic needs. The wheat under her feet means that she also takes care of the basic needs of others. The Empress is surrounded by a beautiful forest and this symbolises her deep connection with Mother Earth. She draws her energy and all of her power from nature. She is calm and very peaceful.
If The Empress card appears in a tarot reading of yours, this simply means that you should be listening more to your inner voice and making sure that you take good care of your own needs as well as the needs of others. This card also tells you to connect with your feminine power. You should create beauty in your life. Express yourself through new hobbies, or projects or ideas, as you will be very successful at it. Just connect yourself with Mother Earth and receive her into your heart and mind. The Empress card tells you that after connecting with nature, universal energy will intervene in your life. You will be more successful and proficient at your job. You will be happier and more satisfied with your life.
When something good happens in your life you may associate it with luck, but in fact, it is the result of your good choices. The Empress may indicate pregnancy or birth.
So be alert while reading the tarot and pay attention to the combination of the cards, because her appearance in your spread may be just on a metaphorical level. On a metaphorical level, The Empress simply represents the birth of new ideas, projects, or products. Pay close attention to your feminine side and be more grateful.
To sum up this article, the Empress card is one of the most important cards in the Major arcana, as she is all about using your imagination and creativity to design and improve your life and the things that you make, draw, design, cook, sew, program, paint or create. She alerts you to the creative power within you and reminds you to be more connected with Mother Earth.
Thanks for reading,
Psychic Madeline Rose
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The Bravehearts of Belgrave High is now published. I have completed the first in a series of novels that I wrote for teens. It is the courageous story of a young girl growing up in a home filled with domestic violence. She also has to endure a school and neighbourhood full of bullies. We read how she maneuvres her way through such a difficult situation. Plus, how she grows because of it, among other themes in the novel.
The desired outcome for young readers is that they will be inspired to treasure their unique differences. If they don’t fit in with the system or with those around them, then they should realise that it’s quite okay not to fit in.
My first novel was written to help raise funds for the private foundation that I established, which might later become a charity. Click here if you’d like to be taken to the site where you can purchase this novel. If you cannot see the site, use a browser other than Chrome.
If you’d like to meet someone special for a long term relationship, there’s a new Australian match-making service starting very shortly. Keep your eye out for when it is ready to launch. Here’s the link: LoveHonourandRespect.Me