
Loosh is a collection of vibrational energies that feed the demons that attach themselves to us.

White Shadow

White Shadow

My ol’ teacher taught us about the White Shadow in people. It often appears as Mr or Mrs Nice Guy or Gal, but in truth it is the aspect of them that wants to be right, to dominate, to have others do what they want them to do. Despite attempting to portray itself as good, it is as good as communist in the way that it acts. It’s the part of them that says that they are special, more spiritual, and chosen. The part of them that talks into their mind, making judgments of others and placing themselves above the people around them while barely knowing them. The White Shadow is most often a hidden narcissist.

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Infested With Evil

Have you ever been put in a situation where people have taken other people’s word against yours when you know (and God knows) that other people’s version of the facts are not only distorted but are outright lies? You know what occurred or what was said, but other people’s lies conspire to twist the truth because there is a benefit to them in the truth being suppressed. One has to be Infested With Evil to want to lie in the first place. Secondly, when those who are being lied to are also Infested With Evil, they can’t see the truth anyway. The demons within them cause a bend in their etheric so that they can’t actually see the truth of the situation.

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