free tarot card reading 2024

All posts tagged free tarot card reading 2024

Inside the Storm

Some of you may have heard that there is a Plan in place to overcome the Cabal. In another post I will explain what has been going on during the unfoldment of the Plan, but for now all I have to say is that we are in the hardest part of the Plan! We are Inside the Storm at the part where everything is intensifying quickly on both sides of the war. It’s like we are witnessing a head-on collision. The extreme mental pain that is being felt will continue to intensify.

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Who Created This Mess

We’re getting close to exposing who created cancer and all of the pandemics. The one Who Created This Mess will be held accountable – there is no doubt about that.

Dr Judy Mikovits was interviewed by Mike Adams and she was dismayed that despite all of her best efforts to warn people for the past year, hardly anyone has listened. Despite the best efforts of people like Dr Luc Montagnier, Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and many others who predicted this mass murder, the people’s willingness to take the poison has gone ahead anyway.

“100 million Americans have been injected with a synthetic virus with…the most dangerous spike protein, consisting of HIV, XMRV and SARS.”

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Spiritual Arrogance

You know, it comes as a bit of a shock to me that people who have done really well in their personal growth and spiritual development choose to be blind to other aspects of what is going on in the world. It’s a type of Spiritual Arrogance in a way. Once they become ‘enlightened’, they think they don’t need to know about the practical aspects of this world, including money and the financial system.

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Genocide Jabs

I am posting this article for the 5 nurses who booked my services last Friday night for a tarot party. These nurses were outraged to find that I told them the truth about the Con-virus jabs. They just did not want to believe that the jabs are going to kill them. These nurses hated me for what I told them, but if they weren’t so brainwashed they might actually have known not to go and get the Genocide Jabs. They will all be dead within three years, unfortunately, but that’s not my problem. Unfortunately the world is going through a cleansing and the mindless sheep have to go. God would not allow this to happen if it weren’t part of the overall plan to save humanity.

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Putin has an interesting history. It is well known that he was a dangerous man many years ago, and that he had multiple people knocked off who annoyed him or got in his way. Yet today we have a completely different man acting in his country’s and the world’s best interests. It has always intrigued me how such a bad man could suddenly become someone so different. Well, this week I found out why – the man claiming to be Putin today is someone other than the one prior to 2010. The Two Putins are indeed vastly different.

The following article was written by an unknown author.

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Dealing With the Restrictions

We have restrictions coming up after the 31st January that are going to cause a bit of stress for those of us who don’t want to get the jab. Shop owners are being asked to make sure that people show their Covid passes. If you don’t want to do that, or if you can’t do that because you don’t have a Covid pass, read on to find out what to do when you’re Dealing With the Restrictions. The following advice is given by an ex-policeman:

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Rounding Up the Traitors

Below is the first of two videos loaded in this article. It is a video of a Common Law suit by the people of the UK against the politicians and those who are enforcing the COVID-19 hoax upon the people. As you will see in the video, the police are being served notice that they are to arrest all politicians, or face a tribunal in a court of law themselves. It is great to see that the police will finally be Rounding Up the Traitors within the UK, and as you will see in the second video below, in Australia as well. There is a worldwide movement against all those who have perpetrated unspeakable crimes against humanity. Not one single politician who knew what they were doing will get away with what they have done. Not one.

Click on the videos below to be inspired.

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Med Beds

I did some readings for a group of ladies this weekend just gone. One of the ladies listened as I told her about the coming advanced technologies that would heal her back. These advanced technologies are called Med Beds. Telepathically I could hear that inside her mind she was dismissing what I was saying, so I said to her, “You don’t believe me, do you?” She was brave enough to admit that she didn’t and said, “No, not at all. Not in the slightest.”

This video and article is for you, lovely lady. I wasn’t telling you of the impossible. I was telling you of a bright future for yourself, if only you will open your mind.

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Belligerent Occupation

Belligerent Occupation

There’s a guy on Telegram who has a channel with some of the best updates about what is going on in the world. His channel name is ‘Q) The Storm Rider’. Here are two of his updates about the state of the nation in America. These updates affect us here in Australia because of the Belligerent Occupation of the government of the United States by Joe Bidan and other people in his administration (yes, I spelt his surname differently to how he spells it, but there’s a good reason for that. Look up what Bidan means in the dictionary).

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Financing Nesara Gesara

Financing Nesara Gesara

Are you one of those people who simply cannot believe that humanity is about to receive a miracle blessing in the form of financial abundance? So many people can’t get their head around the possibility that financial abundance and prosperity is about to land in their lap. Financing Nesara Gesara will be achieved by accessing the St Germaine Trust, the Rodriguez Trust, and all of the confiscated wealth of the Cabal. You can check out some of that confiscated wealth by viewing the following list of accounts. I will copy and paste the first part of Alcuin and Flutterby’s article. You will find a link to the original article at the end of this first section below.

Information about the St Germaine Trust and the Rodriguez Trust can be found at the end of this article.

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