telephone psychic near me

All posts tagged telephone psychic near me

Signs of a Control Freak

Signs of a Control Freak

When you’re getting into a relationship, watch out for similar Signs of a Control Freak as those you see in the following story:

Stеvе аnd Bесkу hаd bееn dаtіng fоr twо wееkѕ. Bесkу’ѕ frіеnd hаd іntrоduсеd thеm, tоld hеr hе hаd bееn mаrrіеd bеfоrе аnd hаd а twо уеаr оld ѕоn. Whеn thеу mеt, thеу ѕееmеd tо соnnесt іmmеdіаtеlу. Bоth hаd hіgh rеѕроnѕіbіlіtу јоbѕ whісh thеу dіdn’t dіѕсuѕѕ аnd wоrkеd tеn hоur dауѕ. Thеу ѕhаrеd а quісk wіt, hіgh іntеllіgеnсе аnd ѕееmеd tо bаѕk іn thе glоw оf еасh оthеr.  Continue Reading

Relationships: How to Rekindle the Love

How to Rekindle the Love

Relationships: How to Rekindle the Love

If you have a healthy relationship that is free from abuse and you need to know How to Rekindle the Love in that relationship, it’s probably because the girl that you’re involved with is breaking your heat. Maybe she’s starting to show interest in other guys. Perhaps you suspect that she’s cheating on you.

Quite possibly, she’s just not feeling the love from you that you would like to think she is or hope that she is. But trying to guess what she’s feeling won’t solve your problem. You need to start opening up to her if you’re going to figure out how to fix your relationship. Continue Reading

Domestic Violence from a Higher Perspective

Domestic Violence from a Higher Perspective

Domestic Violence from a Higher Perspective

Most people think that there are no easy answers as to why relationships fail, or why they have had such a difficult time in a relationship. This article will help us to understand Domestic Violence from a Higher Perspective, but before I begin to reveal the simple yet rarely known reason why a relationship fails, let’s first define the word relationship in this article. A relationship is defined as: the way in which two people behave (primarily think) toward each other. Continue Reading

Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

The poem below is a fair description of what happens to women when they experience severe trauma and abuse throughout their lives.  When a woman reaches a point such as this, it’s time to get some help from healers who don’t just work with the mind.  Trauma gets stuck in the body via cellular memory and congregates around certain parts of the body, sometimes manifesting as cancer.  When there is a lot of stored pain in the body, you have to let it go. It’s the only way to heal. Some of you will easily be able to relate to this poem… Continue Reading