accurate telephone psychic readings melbourne

All posts tagged accurate telephone psychic readings melbourne

Yugoslavian Woman Warns America

Yugoslavian Woman Warns America

This video has a very important message about Communism. Communism can be disguised as National Socialism. A Yugoslavian Woman Warns America of what is coming if they don’t learn from what happened in Yugoslavia in 1989.  She speaks of how the same process of destruction was played out in Yugoslavia in the nineties as what we are seeing happening now in America. It wasn’t a random set of circumstances. It was a planned and well thought out methodology that destroyed their beautiful country.

We in Australia need to learn from what this woman has to say. I will let this video speak for itself.

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose

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None Dare Call It Conspiracy

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance. When first released it upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history. Also, it exposed the agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world.  The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971.  The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented.  Continue Reading

About My Abilities

About My Abilities

About My Abilities

To explain About My Abilities, I’ve had my gifts since I was a child. I set them aside for many years but reconnected with them in my 30s. I am a natural clairvoyant who needs no tools of divination – I just close my eyes and I am able to see into your life. I can and will read the cards if you would like me to, but I don’t really need them. However, feel free to let me know if you’d like me to use them. Continue Reading

How Beliefs Affect Friendships

How Beliefs Affect Friendships

How Beliefs Affect Friendships

In this article, I am going to discuss How Beliefs Affect Friendships. Whether you are aware of it or not, your opinions and judgments of others, and your beliefs about the world around you, massively affect other people’s behaviour. Your way of thinking locks those around you into a straight-jacket from which (if they are unaware of what’s going on) they’re unable to step out of. Even if their intentions or actions aren’t as you deem them to be, you will perceive their behaviour as a match for the beliefs that you hold of them. Continue Reading

Still a Conspiracy?

Still a Conspiracy

Still a Conspiracy?

Do you believe that all of the evidence presented about the evil in the world (including the COVID-19 pandemic), is Still a Conspiracy? Read this article and do your research, and you’ll soon change your mind. Continue Reading

An Awesome Insight Into the Plandemic

An Awesome Insight Into the Plandemic

The recording in the video above is An Awesome Insight Into the Plandemic. It reveals the most incredible Military Operation in the history of the world under the cover of Covid-19. Click on it to play.

It is a recorded interview with Scott Kesterson.  In this recording, Scott explains fully what the purpose of the COVID-19 virus has and how it is being countered by Trump’s military personnel and is being used as a cover for a covert operation to take down the Cabal.  Continue Reading

Feminism and the Hookup Culture

Feminism and the Hookup Culture

Feminism and the Hookup Culture

There are a lot of women out there who appear to be successful on the outside, but on the inside they are paralysed by anxiety and depression. They may have successful careers or they might be making wise investments, yet they just aren’t happy. They are surrounded by a bevy of friends from all stations in life who are smart, intellectual, or creative women like themselves. And yet, they still feel worthless. Mostly it’s because of how they feel when interacting with guys. Feminism and the Hookup Culture has a lot to answer for. Continue Reading

Lockdown Protest Statement

Lockdown Protest Statement

Lockdown Protest Statement

I did not write this Lockdown Protest Statement but I felt compelled to share it, and I completely agree with the sentiments… Continue Reading

So He Doesn’t Want a Relationship

So He Doesn't Want a Relationship

So He Doesn’t Want a Relationship

So He Doesn’t Want a Relationship and he’s just told you so. Guess what? He means exactly what he says. Does that mean that he’s not attractive to you sexually? No, it doesn’t, but half-decent men will tell you straight out prior to having sex with you what they want or don’t want. They will also tell you their reasons for why they say what they say. Bad men will lie to you and tell you what you want to hear so that they can get you into bed, but half-decent men will tell you straight out their reasons for not being ready for a relationship. Continue Reading

Seeing 11: 11

Seeing 11: 11

Seeing 11: 11

Have you been Seeing 11: 11 around you all of the time? It’s quite a common phenomenon for this to occur when people first experience a spiritual awakening. Revelation 11: 11 says “But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them.” I believe that the phenomenon of seeing these numbers is intimately linked to that verse in Revelation. Continue Reading