free tarot card reading 2024

All posts tagged free tarot card reading 2024

Psychopaths in Power

Australia is currently being run by a group of Psychopaths in Power. Dictators, without a doubt. They have locked us down repeatedly. They have criminalised us for going more than five kilometres from home, and they have set up checkpoints on our roads – roads that the people paid for. Of course, that was when the people were allowed to work or run their own businesses without having to explain themselves to someone in a uniform. But did they ask for our permission to do this? No, they didn’t! We Australians have some Questions to Ask Ourselves about how we allowed them to get away with this much control over us.

As far as I am concerned, the Psychopaths in Power do not have my consent to crush our way of life.

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The Awakening

The biggest mistake of the Cabal was to underestimate humanity and The Awakening of their minds, hearts and souls. They knew that the human collective was reaching a very high vibration. But they weren’t aware of the amount of awake souls. They noticed the evaluation error and they got scared. Now they don’t hide anymore. They are in a hurry to officially launch a “new world order”. Now their attacks are direct and frontal, and the attacks will increase. They will try by all means to keep people from waking up. By all means they will try to make sure that the “awake” cannot communicate so as not to wake up others. They will try by all means to ensure that the awakened are seen as insane or delinquents.

The Transition

Whatever they do, it doesn’t matter. The quantum leap has already occurred. It is unstoppable. Humanity already contemplates plants and animals as souls that animate them. We already respect mother earth. We already understands that there is no separation. The souls who are now incarnating already come as teachers. There is to be no more experimenting. They only incarnate on Earth to teach to love. We may be witnessing total change or not. The transition could take a week or 300 years. But it is unstoppable.

Whatever happens during the transition, remember one thing: it was you who offered yourself. To stay here and now. Whatever happens. Whatever you see. You are the engines of change. Only one thing is required of you. Only one. Don’t be “food”. It is the only thing you have to do. A simple thing. Don’t become food for those 4th dimensional beings that move beside us.

We Are Whirlpools

The human being is one of the most powerful generators that exists. We are whirlpools. Depending on the polarity that you align to, you create high or low frequencies. These dark entities feed on low frequencies, we have been feeding them for millennia. The Awakening of humanity has tilted the collective vortex towards high frequencies. This is why they are attacking with such ferocity. They are starving.


Connect with your soul and watch yourself. If your soul resonates with these words, don’t give a single second of your existence anymore to being something else’s food. Eliminate the low passions of your life. Hatred, resentment, envy, fear, vices, junk foods, lies, ambition. Selfishness, sadness, distrust. All of this generates dense energy. Food for the dark ones. This food is known as Loosh.

Become aware of your emotions. Listen to what is going on within you and what comes up out of you. If on any occasion you feel yourself to be in any of these low vibrations, ipso facto change your energy. Put on some music that will lift you up. Sing, dance, breathe, light an incense. Hug your cats, hug a friend, hug your dog, hug your mum. Embrace your pet family. Go for a walk in nature. Meditate. Exercise. Do whatever it takes to change that energy immediately.

The Frequency of Love

Why? Because by you being in a low vibration you are serving as food. Always be aware. The only thing that is asked of you is not to feed the dark hordes. Feed your soul with everything that helps you get up. If you get used to living in the frequency of love, your reality will change to your will without effort.


You are a powerful being. You are unstoppable. Don’t fear anything. Free your mind from the “matrix”. Focus your attention on what you want. Yet above all, have fun, be happy, smile, sing, dance, and love. We are alive by loving everything and everyone, and you are part of it all. Together with the stars and the sun, and all the galaxies of the universe, you are a part of it all. You are love. ?

THEY UNDERESTIMATE US ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky

(The video above is spoken by our world famous Australian Shaman, Darpan. I have participated in his Ayahuasca ceremonies on multiple occasions. You’ll find his website by clicking here)

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose



Here’s a site where you’ll find my writings.

My novel, The Bravehearts of Belgrave High, has now been published. I have completed the first in a series of novels that I wrote for teens. It is the courageous story of a young girl growing up in a home filled with domestic violence. She also has to endure a schoolyard and neighbourhood full of bullies. We read how she maneuvres her way through such a difficult situation. Plus, how she grows because of it, among other themes in the novel.

I hope that young readers will be inspired to treasure their unique differences due to reading this novel. If they don’t fit in with the system or with those around them, they should realise that it’s quite okay not to fit in.

My first novel was written to help raise funds for the private foundation that I established. My foundation might later become a charity. Click here if you’d like to be taken to the site where you can purchase this novel. If you cannot see the site, use a browser other than Chrome.


Would you like to meet someone special for a long term relationship? There’s a new Australian match-making service starting very shortly. Keep your eye out for when it is ready to launch. Here’s the link:  LoveHonourandRespect.Me




License Is Not Required

License Is Not Required

Did you know that your driver’s License Is Not Required to be able to travel freely on the roads? Under Common Law, this is indeed true. However, when you are dealing with people who don’t comprehend the Law properly, you will usually find that they refuse to believe you when you tell them what your rights are. It’s even worse if they are a police man or police woman. Then you’re in serious trouble if you don’t know your rights and the law well enough to be able to present your case to them properly.

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Graphene Oxide

This is really interesting. I was already aware of the Graphene Oxide in the vaxx, but the connections to our own government are insidious. The following article is copied and pasted from a telegram post.

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We Will Not Consent

Listen to this beautiful young British woman. She speaks wisely about what is going on in the world right now. Tiana Khalid has a message for all of us. Watch her speak in this video titled We Will Not Consent.

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First Autopsy

First Autopsy

Russia has postmortem dissected a Covid-19 patient, the First Autopsy done. A shocking and revealing discovery has been made. Russia is the first country in the world to dissect Covid-19 corpses, and after a thorough investigation, it was determined that Covid-does NOT exist AS A VIRUS. It is a GLOBAL scam. People die of ”extended electromagnetic radiation (poison)”.

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World Genocide

World Genocide

New evidence, including sworn affidavits from leading experts such as Professor Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court by lawyers in several countries alleging Governments across the world and their advisors are complicit in World Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and Breaches of the Nuremberg Code.

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Background to Nesara Gesara

Background to Nesara Gesara

Most people are not aware of Nesara or Gesara. Of the few who are aware, many do not know the Background to Nesara Gesara. Here is a brief outline of some of what has gone on in the lead-up to the greatest transfer of wealth that the world has ever seen.

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Doctors Talk About Vaccines

Doctors Talk About Vaccines

In the links below are a vast number of videos where Doctors Talk About Vaccines. There is huge evidence that vaccines will do more harm than good. Hear it directly from the doctors themselves.

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Mandatory Contact Tracing is Illegal

I have spent a short time studying Common Law. Friends of mine on Facebook have done a lot more study than what I have, which means that I get to benefit from their studies when they share with me the legal documents that they create. For example, I had a huge win when I used one of those documents by serving it on the manager of the local Woolworths supermarket near where I live. Mandatory Contact Tracing is Illegal, as you will see from the images below. After I had delivered this document to the Woolworths manager, the following day all requirements to use a QR code to come into the store were dropped.

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