meaning of the death card

All posts tagged meaning of the death card

13 The Death Card Meaning

The Death Card meaning

The Death Card Meaning

Together with the Devil, this is probably the most feared card in the deck, but it shouldn’t be. It hardly ever points to physical death. The Death Card meaning usually suggests merely an ending of something of significance. Without endings, we don’t have beginnings, so one can look upon this card as a card of new opportunity rather than as a card of loss. Continue Reading

Death Card Traits

Death Card Traits

Death Card Traits

The Major arcana is the story of the path of The Fool. There are 22 cards in the Major arcana, and one of them is the card that illustrates The Fool itself. When The Fool meets with Death he realises that there is a change that needs to be made in order for a new beginning. Now The Fool has a decision to make, and he is finding it difficult to make that decision. This card is called Death and it is the thirteenth card of the Major arcana. This card is quite significant in the Fool’s Journey as thirteen is the number of moons in a уеаr. In this article here you’ll read more about the Death Card Traits. Continue Reading