shellharbour psychic reader

All posts tagged shellharbour psychic reader

The Sweetest Love is a Kind Love

The Sweetest Love is a Kind Love

The Sweetest Love is a Kind Love

There is a mix of information on the site that this article originally appeared on so that the site is balanced in its focus. Among the articles that confront the violence that can occur in relationships, there are some uplifting articles like this one. When you’ve overcome your addiction to men who hurt you and treat you badly, the following is what you can look forward to having when you find a decent man who is capable of having a loving relationship – love like this is the best The Sweetest Love is a Kind Love. Continue Reading

A Love Story About the Gods

A Love Story About the Gods

A Love Story About the Gods

This is A Love Story About the Gods …

There once was a great leader who inspired many people all over the world. He was deeply loved by those who knew him, despite the fact that he had made many mistakes along the way through life and despite how he could be very gruff with people at times. He had a way about him that allowed people to get only so close, but no further. This was for a reason though; it was because of who he was in the spiritual dimensions and because of the fact that one day he would announce who he was, and there would be a lot of scoffing, disbelief, gossip and impending danger. He needed to have few attachments so that he could move quickly if the situation required. Continue Reading

Signs of a Control Freak

Signs of a Control Freak

When you’re getting into a relationship, watch out for similar Signs of a Control Freak as those you see in the following story:

Stеvе аnd Bесkу hаd bееn dаtіng fоr twо wееkѕ. Bесkу’ѕ frіеnd hаd іntrоduсеd thеm, tоld hеr hе hаd bееn mаrrіеd bеfоrе аnd hаd а twо уеаr оld ѕоn. Whеn thеу mеt, thеу ѕееmеd tо соnnесt іmmеdіаtеlу. Bоth hаd hіgh rеѕроnѕіbіlіtу јоbѕ whісh thеу dіdn’t dіѕсuѕѕ аnd wоrkеd tеn hоur dауѕ. Thеу ѕhаrеd а quісk wіt, hіgh іntеllіgеnсе аnd ѕееmеd tо bаѕk іn thе glоw оf еасh оthеr.  Continue Reading