twin flame reading

All posts tagged twin flame reading

Twin-Flame Partnership

Twin-Flame Partnership

Twin-Flame Partnership

I am writing this article to clarify to my clients what the Twin-Flame Partnership is and what to aim for while on that path. Many are confused as to what the path is and how to recognise a twin-flame. It’s simple really. Think of it like a Ballroom dancing partnership. You have to have equal desire for your relationship to work as well as the ability for it to work. You also both have to want to improve yourself and the lives of those around you. Plus you both have to be working towards making that happen. If these factors aren’t part of the situation, you don’t have a twin-flame partnership and you aren’t on the twin-flame journey or path. Continue Reading

Do You Believe in Love?

Do You Believe in Love

Do You Believe in Love?

Many of my callers phone to ask when they will meet their soulmate. This question comes up for almost everyone. However, it’s not a matter of ‘when’ in many cases, rather it’s a matter of ‘if’. If I were to ask you Do You Believe in Love, most people would say “Yes of course”. But deep down inside they’ve had so many disappointments that it’s no longer a known given, it’s only a hope. Continue Reading