twin flame psychic reading

All posts tagged twin flame psychic reading

Symbolic Language of Taoist Alchemy

The Symbolic Language of Taoist Alchemy

Symbolic Language of Taoist Alchemy

Those who are interested in the Symbolic Language of Taoist Alchemy and its deeper meanings must learn to see beyond the surface. They must look into the words and figure out the hidden meanings behind the cryptic and difficult to fathom symbols and phrases. Hearing ideas like ‘heaven’ and ‘earth’,’fire’ and ‘water’, ‘lead’ and ‘mercury’. Or ‘tiger’ and ‘dragon’, ‘jade furnace’, ‘medicine’, and the ‘mysterious pass’. Or yet again, ‘golden elixir’, the ‘immortal embryo’, and the ‘gate of no gate’. One must not think such words refer to the preparation of chemical potions to ingest, or parts of the body. One must remember that these words and phrases are symbols. They use a language which speaks of one thing in order to allude to another. Continue Reading

The Bible is a Legal Document

The Bible is a Legal Document

The Bible is a Legal Document

Prior to 1066 Common Law existed, and when laws were needed to be enforced the King would write a letter. Thus Common Law was a written law. It was the law of the King. When Common Law became recognised, it was based on the laws that were later recorded in the Bible, and on Christian Principles. It is the foundation of Statutory Law. Since its printing (especially the King James Bible), The Bible is a Legal Document, containing both good and evil within its pages. Continue Reading

Do You Believe in Love?

Do You Believe in Love

Do You Believe in Love?

Many of my callers phone to ask when they will meet their soulmate. This question comes up for almost everyone. However, it’s not a matter of ‘when’ in many cases, rather it’s a matter of ‘if’. If I were to ask you Do You Believe in Love, most people would say “Yes of course”. But deep down inside they’ve had so many disappointments that it’s no longer a known given, it’s only a hope. Continue Reading

Tropical Astrology

Tropical Astrology

Tropical Astrology

Tropical Astrology is the old astrological division of the sky. When the Zodiac was invented, the position of the constellations were written down. But since then, the whole Zodiac has shifted almost a whole sign due to the Precession, so whoever was once born a Virgo, is now probably born a Leo – with the personality changes that come with it. Tropical Astrology ignores this, and keeps using the old tables – which have nothing to do with where the planets actually are in the sky.
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I Know What a Gift You Are

I Know What a Gift You Are

I Know What a Gift You Are

I Know What a Gift You Are is a love-letter to a beloved. We should never forget to tell the man or woman in our lives how much they mean to us. Let this beautiful expression of love inspire you to write your own love-letter to that one special soul who is close to you. Please read on… Continue Reading

A Lasting Reminder

A Lasting Reminder

A Lasting Reminder 

This expression of love is A Lasting Reminder to the one you love of how much you love him or her. We should never forget to tell our beloved that they mean the world to us. Please continue reading and be inspired to tell your special one just how much he or she means to you…… Continue Reading

Mastering the Energy of Attraction

Mastering the Energy of Attraction

Mastering the Energy of Attraction

I get emails from women every day telling me that they can’t figure their man out. Even when things are generally going well in their relationship, they still catch themselves feeling uneasy. They find themselves over-thinking things and analysing their man’s every move. Unfortunately, this will only do the opposite of bringing him close. What this does is actually push the man further away on a very deep, subconscious level. Here’s how to go about Mastering the Energy of Attraction in relationships.

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