Self Development

This category has several sub categories with articles about Self Development or articles that assist Self Development.

Modern Day Chivalry for Men

Modern Day Chivalry for Men

Modern Day Chivalry for Men

Here in this article, we discuss Modern Day Chivalry for Men. There’s a creed to confess to oneself that will help you to live an honourable life. Continue Reading

21 Hints for a Better Life

21 Hints for a Better Life

Want to improve your life? Here are 21 Hints for a Better Life for those who are on the path of spiritual and emotional development:

Learn to Love Unconditionally, beginning with yourself.

Become Honest and attempt to heal your fear of it, so that you can use honesty in your daily living.

Aim to help all people in your world to come to physical healing.

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Light and Dark Within

Light and Dark Within

light dark christ antichrist

Light and Dark Within

There are many teachings that say that our Ego (which could also be called our Shadow) and our Higher Self (which is our Light) cannot coexist. Light and Dark Within can and do exist beside each other. This is not quite true, as I will go on to explain. Throughout this article, I will use the term Higher Self to denote the Inner Being/Higher Self/Divine Self.

Because we have a living essence, we still have a spark of the Christ consciousness in us, no matter how dark and egoistic we become. Our Higher Self is in us because we still have a connection with the Divinity of the force of the Higher Self. However, this force is only in us to a certain point, a very small percentage relative to the amount of consciousness that we have set free of the ego.

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The Alchemy of The Magician

The Alchemy of The Magician

The Alchemy of The Magician

Know Thyself. This is the very first requirement if you would like to become an alchemist. So then, is it dangerous to practice transmutation without knowing who you are? Well, that is a very interesting question. One can practice transmutation and not look inward at themselves (which is usually done through meditation) and certain results will occur. To transmute means to harness a force and change it. ‘Trans’- is the basic prefix of the word, which indicates ‘from one thing to another,’ and ‘mutate means ‘change into a different form’. To transmute is The Alchemy of The Magician. Continue Reading

Silencing the Mind Through Meditation

Silencing the Mind Through Meditation

Silencing the Mind Through Meditation

Meditation is conscious comprehension without the interference of the ego. ‘Conscious,’ meaning with the consciousness. Self-observation is the basis of it, yes, but real meditation is the activity of the consciousness free of ego. This article will help move you towards the skill of Silencing the Mind Through Meditation. Continue Reading

Meditation to Increase Willpower

Meditation to Increase Willpower

There is a practice that is going to assist you to go deeper into the understanding of the Tarot and the Kaballah. When you start with the card of the magician, this meditation will help you to grasp some of the deeper meanings within the card. It is also a Meditation to Increase Willpower. Continue Reading

Will, Consciousness, and Intuition

Will, Consciousness and Intuition

Will, Consciousness, and Intuition

What are the differences between Will, Consciousness, and Intuition? In their heart, they are the same. In their essence, they are the same. Consciousness is a continuum of infinite energy. That is consciousness. But in us it is not continuous – we are paying attention one minute and we are totally asleep the next. Continue Reading