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Background to Nesara Gesara

Background to Nesara Gesara

Most people are not aware of Nesara or Gesara. Of the few who are aware, many do not know the Background to Nesara Gesara. Here is a brief outline of some of what has gone on in the lead-up to the greatest transfer of wealth that the world has ever seen.

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Doctors Talk About Vaccines

Doctors Talk About Vaccines

In the links below are a vast number of videos where Doctors Talk About Vaccines. There is huge evidence that vaccines will do more harm than good. Hear it directly from the doctors themselves.

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Mandatory Contact Tracing is Illegal

I have spent a short time studying Common Law. Friends of mine on Facebook have done a lot more study than what I have, which means that I get to benefit from their studies when they share with me the legal documents that they create. For example, I had a huge win when I used one of those documents by serving it on the manager of the local Woolworths supermarket near where I live. Mandatory Contact Tracing is Illegal, as you will see from the images below. After I had delivered this document to the Woolworths manager, the following day all requirements to use a QR code to come into the store were dropped.

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Graphene Oxide Causes COVID-19

Graphene Oxide Causes COVID-19

Biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom he has been conducting his research, have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials. Graphene Oxide Causes COVID-19. Read to the end to watch the video.

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Covid Vaccine Ingredients

Covid Vaccine Ingredients

There are a lot of very dangerous ingredients in the jab. In this article we’ll look at just one of the Covid Vaccine Ingredients. By now you may have read that SM–102 is one of the toxic ingredients in the jabby jab jab. To find out more about it, look it up on Duckduck.go.

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Prepare Yourselves Now

Franciscan Brother Bugnolo from Rome gives an honest account of what is going to happen over the next two or three years. He warns everyone to Prepare Yourselves Now. This is a very important video – drop everything and listen to what no one else is willing to tell you. Brother Bugnolo tells the stark naked truth of humanity’s fate in the next few years. Share it everywhere, and snap back into reality.

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Readings for the Jabbed

Readings for the Jabbed

It is with solemnity that I write this article. Since March, whenever I have done face-to-face Readings for the Jabbed, the Death card has come up as the outcome of the reading. Clients who come to see me for readings want to see the cards on the table. When I do face-to-face readings, I often use a mixture of the cards and my psychic abilities. When I do phone readings, I don’t use the cards unless asked – all I do is shut my eyes and See. I am happy to do readings for people on the phone, but I no longer want to do face-to-face Readings for the Jabbed. I simply cannot tolerate the number of people having readings where the Death card falls in their spread.

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Predicting Current Events

Predicting Current Events

My ol’ teacher could see years ahead of time. He and others like him such as David Icke were fully aware of who’s been running the world. My teacher saw the collapse of their empire. He said that they would collapse from within their own ranks in the end. There is a good example of what happens to people who get too arrogant for their own good in this article that you can read here. In quite a number of my teacher’s articles I saw him Predicting Current Events of today. You may enjoy reading one of those articles in the post below titled An Awesome Journey.

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose


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Death of the Elite

The Death of the Elite is finally happening after an extremely long reign. The people who have been running the world for thousands of years are Satanists. They keep humanity enslaved on a multitude of levels. They do so using multidimensional methods. They don’t only operate in this 3D dimension. They access power and energy from many dimensions, and their power is given to them by Satan and his demons. Thus the battle against them is not just waged on a physical or emotional level – it is multidimensional.

The Elite own the media, the banks, and the governments via national debt. They almost always get away with murder and have always thought – up until only just recently – that they were untouchable… indestructible. However, that is not true – they are about to be completely and totally annihilated from this planet and this dimension. My teacher could See into the future. He wrote about the Elite’s demise many years ago. The following of his articles outlines how the Death of the Elite comes about.

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose

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The Suppression of Humanity

The Suppression of Humanity

The Suppression of Humanity has occurred for thousands of years. I can’t speak for how life has been in the distant past, but I do know that during my lifetime we have been deeply suppressed to the point of being oppressed. From what I am able to comprehend, suppression is always at its worst towards the end of an aeon, which is where humanity stands right now.

The reason why nuclear wars, disease, viruses, and vaccines entered this part of our history at the time that they did was because those who have been running the planet knew that humanity was evolving. They knew that some very special souls were choosing to incarnate onto the planet at this time. Therefore, in order to halt the progress of mankind, the lower frequency, dark-matter beings had to put a stop to it. Continue Reading