accurate telephone psychic readings melbourne

All posts tagged accurate telephone psychic readings melbourne

What Is Covid-19 Really About?

What is Covid-19 Really About?

What Is Covid-19 Really About?

Right, it’s time to realise a few truths about this massive hoax of Covid-19 that we are all being lied to about by the mainstream media (MSM). What does the word Covid actually stand for? It stands for COronavirus Vaccination ID and the 19 stands for the year 2019. Now, let’s ask ourselves What Is Covid-19 Really About?  Continue Reading

What is Our Purpose?

What is Our Purpose

What is Our Purpose?

I am often asked during a reading what the client’s purpose is. To be honest, I don’t like even broaching that question for my client because each man or woman’s purpose is a very personal thing. For you to know what your purpose is, the revelation of that has to come from a place deep inside of you. It has to come from your connection to God. What is Our Purpose? I can give you an overall summary in general, but you have to find out what your own specific purpose in life is yourself. I recommend that you read this article before you ask me that question in your reading. Continue Reading

Return to Our Creative Selves

Return to Our Creative Selves

Return to Our Creative Selves

About four months ago I was given a vision of our Return to Our Creative Selves, a return to our fully-capable God-selves. The vision flowed like a movie on a television screen. I was shown that certain people will become Magi of the same or similar capabilities as Jesus and others like him who have lived at various times throughout this and other eons. It’s what happens when we remember who we are. This near-perfect way of being is not too far off for some people, and others have already returned to that state.

However, not all have or will return to that state. Many have to account for their crimes against people in their life. Some have committed crimes against humanity. Others haven’t done the inner work to process their darkness. These people won’t return to their creative powers. They would not be permitted to because they would bring their darkness with them into the realms where the higher beings reside, and that is not allowed.

Anyway, the following is what I was shown and told. Continue Reading

Communication Etiquette

communication etiquette

Communication Etiquette

Do you know how to communicate? Do you know how to listen? I mean, really listen? Do you know when to speak and when to be quiet? Do you know how to approach people who are already talking with one another and not interrupt them but rather, join them? Most people haven’t got a clue about these things. Here in this article, I discuss good Communication Etiquette. If you are like most people, it will take some time for you to change your habits, but upon doing so, you’ll become someone who is a complete pleasure to deal with. Continue Reading

Australian Bush Fires

Australian Bush Fires

People think this past week has just been about bushfires, but it has been about so much more. These Australian Bush Fires are destined to be used as a catalyst to change the face of Australia. This is Agenda 21 in full flight! Continue Reading

Twin-Flame Partnership

Twin-Flame Partnership

Twin-Flame Partnership

I am writing this article to clarify to my clients what the Twin-Flame Partnership is and what to aim for while on that path. Many are confused as to what the path is and how to recognise a twin-flame. It’s simple really. Think of it like a Ballroom dancing partnership. You have to have equal desire for your relationship to work as well as the ability for it to work. You also both have to want to improve yourself and the lives of those around you. Plus you both have to be working towards making that happen. If these factors aren’t part of the situation, you don’t have a twin-flame partnership and you aren’t on the twin-flame journey or path. Continue Reading

Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual Abuse

Sadly, many Christians are persistently guilty of Spiritual Abuse, and Spiritual Abuse is based on manipulation. Without manipulation, it could not exist. Continue Reading

Where Is This World Headed?

Where Is This World Headed

Where Is This World Headed?

You might look at the above image and wonder Where Is This World Headed? The people you see above are the outcome of a well thought out plan of divide and rule. It is called ‘Inversion’. We basically live with a bunch of broken, unhealthy humans who have hormone imbalances, mineral deficiency, and toxic overload. They have a gut full of parasites and a stomach (first brain) that is out of balance. Chemicals are passed on via the womb, chemicals are injected through vaccines, estrogen mimickers in our bodies from plastics in the water. These toxins are scientifically designed by the Deep State to take part in destroying the family unit. Other methods are also involved, but these methods affect us individually on a physical and emotional level.

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Good Ministering

Good Ministering

Good Ministering 

In this article I talk about the showmanship employed by some church leaders today. There is a huge difference between putting on a performance that entrances your audience into accepting what you have to say as truth, and good ministering. I have just come home from a church service where the young man who was ministering to the congregation spoke about how Jesus healed his life of addictions to things that weren’t good for him. He had been a porn addict and was now free of his addiction to porn. Unfortunately, although his intentions were very good, I didn’t hear very good ministering tonight.  Continue Reading

Love vs Addiction

Love vs Addiction

Love vs Addiction

Love vs Addiction – there’s a huge difference. An addict often creates a relationship that is co-dependent. A well-balanced person creates one that is healthy.

I just gave a reading to a male client where I saw the guy he recently split up with is not his twin flame and that he’s not going to get back together with the ex-boyfriend. The next thing I know I’m being attacked and told that I’m not a psychic. The desperation in some people to be loved is incredible. Continue Reading