clairvoyant near me

All posts tagged clairvoyant near me

Wheel of Fortune Emerald Tolemac

The Wheel of Fortune Emerald Tolemac from the Emerald Tolemac Tarot deck. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga. Continue Reading

The Hermit Card Emerald Tolemac

The Hermit Card Emerald Tolemac.  This card is from the Emerald Tolemac Tarot deck. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga.

The Hermit Card Emerald Tolemac 

The Hermit Card Emerald Tolemac shines his light to illuminate the path of the questioner. The star inside the lantern is a Solomon’s seal, which symbolises wisdom. Legend has it that this seal was engraved in a ring worn by King Solomon, and it gave him the power to command demons. The fact that the lantern contains this seal means two things. The Hermit can offer mastery over the darker forces of human nature. He can also offer us perception of the astral entities that exist in dimensions around us, which fight continuously to hinder, harm and create havoc around us. Continue Reading

Strength Card Emerald Tolemac

Strength Card Emerald Tolemac.  This card is from the Emerald Tolemac Tarot deck. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga. Continue Reading

The Chariot Card Emerald Tolemac

The Chariot Card Emerald Tolemac.  This card is from the Emerald Tolemac Tarot deck. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and artist Sonhaj Silitonga.

The Chariot Card Emerald Tolemac Tarot

The Chariot Card Emerald Tolemac represents the questioner venturing forth. You are being called to a quest. Everything is looking up, and there is a sense that you have vanquished a certain amount of your inner demons to prepare for this moment of emergence. There will be a lot to keep in mind on this journey, though. The Chariot is all about balancing the opposing forces that you encounter along the way. Continue Reading

The Lovers Card Emerald Tolemac

The Lovers Emerald Tolemac

© Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga

The Lovers Card Emerald Tolemac.  This card is from the Emerald Tolemac Tarot deck. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga.

The Lovers Card Emerald Tolemac

The themes of The Lovers Card Emerald Tolemac are trial and choice, relation and communion. The number of this card is six, which symbolises adjustment in thought and attitude. Six is the number of truth, order, justice, economy, harmony and balance. It gives people the opportunity to develop a clear idea of right and wrong and to experience the consequences of their choices – cause and effect.  Whenever a six card appears, you will find that life is presenting you with opportunities to learn your responsibilities, and to be of service to humanity. Continue Reading

Heirophant Card Emerald Tolemac

The Heirophant Emerald Tolemac

© Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga

The Heirophant Card Emerald Tolemac.  This card is from the Emerald Tolemac Tarot deck. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga.

The Heirophant Card Emerald Tolemac

The Hierophant Card Emerald Tolemac is at once remote and welcoming, teacher as well as a gatekeeper. The questioner can learn much from him about the realm of spirit. He can be thought of as the male counterpoint to the High Priestess, and the nighttime companion to the daylight authority of the Emperor. His masculine spiritual power is something he wants to transmit. Continue Reading

The Emperor Card Emerald Tolemac

The Empress Emerald Tolemac

© Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga

The Emperor Card Emerald Tolemac Tarot card full meaning. Created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga. This deck is protected by copyright.

The Emperor Card Emerald Tolemac 

The Emperor’s youth and attractiveness show his masculine virility; he is a strong character who knows how to get things done. His crown shows his authority and sovereignty. Fourth card in the major arcana, he balances the feminine power of the Empress by representing male ability, although the ocean’s water outside the window hearkens back to his more free-flowing influence. The decisive will of the Emperor serves to guide the questioner in a definite direction on their path. Continue Reading

The Empress Card Emerald Tolemac

The Empress Emerald Tolemac

© Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga

The Empress Card Emerald Tolemac Tarot card full meaning. Created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga. This deck is protected by copyright.

The Empress Card Emerald Tolemac

Card four of the Major Arcana, The Empress, is numbered three, the first card being the Fool which is numbered zero. Next follows the Magician, then the High Priestess. Thus we have arrived at The Empress. The number three is the numerological evolution of the mediating force present with the duality in the High Priestess. Here we see that force resolving into a third entity: a trinity. Continue Reading

High Priestess Emerald Tolemac

The High Priestess Emerald Tolemac

© Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga

The High Priestess Emerald Tolemac tarot card. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga.

The High Priestess Emerald Tolemac 

Here we see Merlin’s wife Gwendolyn, also known by several other names. Some of those names are Nimue, Vivianne and Ninianne. In our version of The High Priestess Card Emerald Tolemac, she is Gwendolyn. The overriding theme of the High Priestess Emerald Tolemac card is the connection between opposites: exoteric and esoteric and matter and spirit. If this card appears in your spread, it’s time to gain clarity and shift your emphasis from what is seen, to what is unseen. It’s time to use your intuition and access the deep recesses of your subconscious mind, for therein lies an abundance of knowledge waiting to be transmuted to wisdom. Continue Reading

The Magician Emerald Tolemac


This is the Magician Emerald Tolemac Tarot card. The images from our deck are all copyright, created by Madeline Rose and artist Ahmad Sonhaji Silitonga.

The Magician Emerald Tolemac

Here we see Merlin the Magician with his right arm lifted and his hand holding a wand (earth) pointing to the sky (air) and creating the sign of Infinity (timelessness) in the air above him with the wand. The left arm is essentially hanging at his side (earth), the forearm lifted enough to allow the hand to form the letter “M” that we see in sign language when deaf people communicate. This simply reinforces the M needed for the Mastery that is required when one fuses their base self with their higher self and becomes the Magician. Continue Reading