free tarot card reading 2024

All posts tagged free tarot card reading 2024

Nesara Gesara in Detail

Nesara (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) and Gesara (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) are merging. This means the end of poverty, the end of debt, and the beginning of a new Golden Age for everyone in the world! No poverty, no hunger, no debt. Only Global Prosperity and Peace for ALL! Here we look at Nesara Gesara in Detail.

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The New Financial System

The New Financial System

The New Financial System is called the Quantum Financial System (QFS). It is like nothing that we have ever seen on this planet before. The QFS is so far advanced that it cannot be hacked at all. It will destroy the Central Banking system run by the Federal Reserve and owned by the banksters. The QFS has no equivalent in advanced technology and allows the Global Currency Revaluation to occur.

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Energy Vampire

Energy Vampire

I have come to the conclusion that one of my girlfriends is a total Energy Vampire. She has fallen into depression, but it’s totally her own fault – she talked herself into it. Months ago I gave her the tools to avoid ending up where she now finds herself. Not only did she not act on the good advice that I gave her, but she tells me that I don’t have the same problems or responsibilities that she does and that I have no idea what she’s going through.

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Australian Taxes are Illegal

Australian Taxes are Illegal

BREAKING NEWS!!!!! The information below shows that the A.T.O. is fraudulent and illegally taxing us. Australian Taxes are Illegal! Some sections of this article appeared on Telegram and are attributed to Patriot101. The rest is written by me.

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A Sifting Process

A Sifting Process

On my Telegram channel I post multiple articles and news pieces about the current collapse of the Cabal’s money systems. I also post multiple articles and updates about where things are at with regards to Nesara/Gesara. On Sunday night I was given a download about what the meaning behind certain things that are going on in the GCR/RV world. I was also encouraged to write about them. There is A Sifting Process going on at the moment within the groups of people whose intention it is to rebuild society after the collapse.

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Don't Be Fooled

Don’t Be Fooled

I’ve written many times about the dangers of the Covid jab and how it will eventually kill you. If you are reading this and you still haven’t taken the jab, I congratulate you – you’re not one of the Walking Dead. However, if you have taken it, well, what more can I say? You had better get your will written and your affairs in order. If you are a parent who is about to fall into the trap of getting your kids jabbed, don’t. Don’t Be Fooled by the lies of the mainstream media. Your kids have almost no chance of living if you let them get jabbed, there are no two ways about it. Governments and the evil people who pull the strings of governments worldwide want you dead, as shocking as that may sound.

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The War on the Unvaccinated

The War on the Unvaccinated

This letter about the War on the Unvaccinated was written by an unknown author. It is an opinion piece from a vaccinated Australian. The author believes that those who have resisted taking the Covid jab and the jabs that have followed need to be congratulated.

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Growing Beyond

In this article I’d like to explain the process of Growing Beyond where you find yourself emotionally and spiritually. It’s not a difficult process – in fact it’s quite easy. However, to achieve anything permanent when working with this process one has to be diligent and persistent. If you can do that, it’s just a matter of looking deep within yourself and noticing when your shadow traits reveal themselves in your everyday interactions with others. In order to be able to notice, one has to become the observer. One has to stop and think about why they reacted the way that they did, and simply become aware of themselves whenever they are acting in that manner.

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Snake Venom

The Plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden. The connection is Snake Venom.

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The Takedown of The Legal System

The Takedown of The Legal System

This article was written by an anonymous White Hat who posted it to Telegram. I find it particularly interesting because it has relevance in my own life. I myself have been targetted by a woman who has a vendetta against me and who works for the RSPCA. What she doesn’t yet realise is that The Takedown of The Legal System is imminent. The International Bar Association is about to be taken down globally. Courts world-wide will be shut down and military courts will take over until such time as the rats can be rooted out of the legal system.

Many of these people have been involved in Crimes Against Humanity. Most of those have been involved in crimes against children. What is the penalty for such crimes? Death. Australia is rife with these people.

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