free tarot card reading 2024

All posts tagged free tarot card reading 2024

A Demons Perspective

A Demons Perspective

Many people are completely unaware of the spiritual manipulation of society that has been imposed on us by those who have previously ruled us. I say ‘previously’ because their time is very much coming to an end. The ones whom I specifically write about in this article are the people in high-level management in the pharmaceutical companies. These people are very similar to those who are at the same level in Hollywood and the music industry. They are VERY aware of the spiritual battle that occurs daily on our beautiful planet, and they are very much involved in that battle. Not in a good way, either. In this article we take a look at life and the vaccines from A Demons Perspective.

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Gesara Nesara is Active Now

This is a copy of an update put out by Judy Byington. It is the announcement that Gesara Nesara is Active Now. The update was released on Sunday 02 January 2022.

For all of my clients who could not believe what I was telling them throughout 2021, you’re about to be positively surprised to find that my readings were correct, even though you didn’t want to believe it at the time. That’s okay. The positive things that are about to occur in the world are mind-blowing. Unless your mind had already cracked open to the possibilities of what’s to come, it would have been nigh impossible to believe what I told you.

The restored republics will be installed worldwide via a global currency revaluation.

Judy Note: “They flipped the switch: global revaluation, GESARA / NESARA on! Now is the time! It’s happening! The switch has been turned. It all started in London.”

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The Cult of the Chosen Ones

The Cult of The Chosen Ones

There’s a group on Signal and in Telegram where an Australian guy reports on intel from sources close to the hub about the Global Currency Revaluation and the Humanitarians’ currency RV. He calls his group The Chosen Ones. He is constantly referring to the Humanitarians who are part of his group as The Chosen Ones, like as if they are special or more important that others in some way. It’s become The Cult of The Chosen Ones. What he may or may not realise is that by claiming that the Humanitarians are ‘chosen’, he is setting up the members in that group for a complete downfall. I’ve already seen the evidence of it in the behaviour of two of the members. 

There is nothing that will cause people to fall to degradation more than a label that makes them think they have a right to persecute or attack others, or that they are somehow morally superior or special.

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The Lion of Judah

The Lion of Judah

My old teacher was the most amazing man. He knew stuff that others didn’t know. He predicted much of what is happening in the world right now, and wrote many books and articles that show the way for humans today. Below is one of his articles, The Last Post which is about The Lion of Judah. He wrote it at the end of running his blog site where his students were able to discuss his teachings amongst themselves in the forums.

At the time that he wrote this post, I still hadn’t figured out the things I know today. When I read this article now, I see so much more in it than I did then, only because I’ve worked to open the doors in my mind to his deeper, more mysterious teachings. He is very much involved in what is going on in the world at the moment. If you have a day or so to spend with me sometime, I might explain what I mean by that. Enjoy reading The Last Post by Stuart Wilde.

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Infested With Evil

Have you ever been put in a situation where people have taken other people’s word against yours when you know (and God knows) that other people’s version of the facts are not only distorted but are outright lies? You know what occurred or what was said, but other people’s lies conspire to twist the truth because there is a benefit to them in the truth being suppressed. One has to be Infested With Evil to want to lie in the first place. Secondly, when those who are being lied to are also Infested With Evil, they can’t see the truth anyway. The demons within them cause a bend in their etheric so that they can’t actually see the truth of the situation.

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The Nuremberg Code

You may have seen the headlines put out by the mainstream media about scrapping the Nuremberg Code in order to force-vax everyone in the world. These are fear stories, and they are coming out in force at the moment. Let’s look at a different perspective on this by taking a step back, a deep breath and thinking of it logically.

The fear-headlines come from some puppet in the EU. Please do a search on this story. You will notice the repetitive, word-for-word title appearing over and over on different sites, news channels and newspapers. This only happens when media outlets are TOLD to publish a story. We saw the same thing occur at the start of the plandemic; scare stories across all platforms with a word-for-word narrative.

These stories are all false. They are released for several reasons that we’re about to discuss. Please try to comprehend how the people behind this whole scamdemic (and any other terror situation) operate and the role that we play in the process of accepting their lies.

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The Transhumanist Age

The Transhumanist Age

The following article wasn’t written by me, and there was no author quoted on the post that was messaged to me on Facebook. I cannot cite its author, however, it is important that you read what the author has to say. It’s about The Transhumanist Age of genetically modified humans that is now upon us. If you aren’t awake by now, you soon will be after reading this article.

By the way, the author has purposely misspelled certain words so that the search engines don’t latch onto this article and blackban it.

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Adrenochrome Is Real

The following article about Adrenochrome is originally posted at worldundercover website. It provides a very good outline of what Adrenochrome is and how it is produced. Adrenochrome is Real. It is not a joke.

Warning. The information you are about to learn is not for the faint of heart. It is for Mature audiences only. 21yo+

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True Terror

True Terror

These Australian and Foreign Police who are terrorising the Australian people are yet to find out what True Terror really is. However, if they don’t stop acting the way that they have been and are, pretty soon they are likely to find out. Here’s a quote from someone who has captured the very essence of our cornered and endangered people’s thoughts and feelings.

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How to Defeat the Vaxx Passports

How to Defeat the Vaxx Passports

Do you want to know How to Defeat the Vaxx Passports without leaving home? Do you want to know how to do it without any violence or chaos? The Russians did it in only 3 short weeks. Here’s how they crushed Mayor Sobyanin’s vaccine passport – and it was pretty simple.

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