accurate telephone psychic readings melbourne

All posts tagged accurate telephone psychic readings melbourne

What I Will and Won’t Do

What I Will and Won't Do

What I Will and Won’t Do

Okay, I’m writing this article because I’ve just had an experience while working for a psychic line during which I was chastised and my employment terminated. This occurred because I challenged someone in management about their ethics. I strongly believe that taking money for readings from someone who needs therapy is just taking advantage of their insecurities and neediness. Now I’ve decided to explain to my own clients What I Will and Won’t Do. Continue Reading

How to Heal Yourself

How to Heal Yourself

How to Heal Yourself

My ol’ teacher Stuart Wilde wrote many articles on how to heal yourself. Here in the article below are some of his recommendations on how to do just that.

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose

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Warmth and Service

Warmth and Service

Warmth and Service

My ol’ teacher Stuart Wilde trained his students to be able to leave this dimension without having to die first. In that training, he spoke emphatically of how Warmth and Service to others is the way to get across to the celestial worlds. He wrote the following article specifically for women.

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose

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Being The Same As

Being the Same As

Being The Same As

If you’ve ever wanted to walk through into another dimension – one that’s celestial, warm and bright – there’s only one way in which to do so. And that’s to develop what Stuart Wilde called The New Dignity. Here in the following article Stuart writes of the requirements to get to that point of Being The Same As those dimensions.

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose

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Full Of Grace

Full of Grace

Full Of Grace

Here in this article, Stuart Wilde explains how to become Full of Grace. If you’re wanting to become less harsh on the world and yourself, there is much wisdom in this article. It will teach you the difference between being cold and being warm. I highly recommend that you read it if you want to become more aligned to the celestial worlds.

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose

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Manifest a Soulmate

Manifest a Soulmate

Manifest a Soulmate

Most of my callers are seeking to Manifest a Soulmate. It’s important to know that everyone has a soulmate – in fact, we often have more than one. The trick to happiness lies in finding the right one for you though. You should never compromise on having what you want. If you want to learn what steps to take to Manifest a Soulmate, please read on. Continue Reading

Unbending Intent

Unbending Intent

Unbending Intent

The following quote was written by Carlos Castenda. In it, Casteneda writes that Don Juan speaks of Unbending Intent. He almost seems to contradict himself in that he tells Castaneda that a warrior is fluid, flexible, and unpredictable.  A warrior has no routines.  In fact, the warrior intentionally disrupts any routines that happen to form.

On the other hand, he was training Carlos to have “unbending intent.”  He said, “The average man’s connecting link with intent is practically dead, and warriors begin with a link that is useless, because it does not respond voluntarily. In order to revive that link, warriors need a rigorous, fierce purpose — a special state of mind called unbending intent. Continue Reading

Spiritual Benefits of Subjugating Your Will

Spiritual Benefits of Subjugating Your Will

Spiritual Benefits of Subjugating Your Will

In this article, Stuart talks about Perception and the Force of Will and the Spiritual Benefits of Subjugating Your Will. It is about deciding that you’re going to make it across the chasm between this 3D world and the dimension of 5D, no matter what it takes to do so. You will subjugate your will to your command until it is done.

I have posted another article by a different author on the Unbending Intention of the Sorcerer. You will find it in the Metaphysics category under Self Mastery.

Thanks for reading,

Psychic Madeline Rose

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The Trick to Money is Having Some

The Trick to Money is Having Some

The Trick to Money is Having Some

Stuart Wilde was incredibly funny and intelligent, and this is one of his most humourous books. The Trick to Money is Having Some will help you examine your beliefs about money to see if you are limiting yourself through negative programming. It will help you to remove any ‘caps’ on your ability to earn, or any negative beliefs about being wildly successful. Much of the stuff that we were either brainwashed with or coaxed into believing as kids and teenagers about success needs to be removed before we can ever ascend to financial greatness. Continue Reading

Memories of God and Creation

Memories of God and Creation

Memories of God and Creation

Is it possible to remember how the universe was created, where humans came from, and what we planned to do with our lives? Yes, says board-certified psychiatrist Shakuntala Modi, M.D.  Prepare to have your world view completely altered by the information in Memories of God and Creation.

For more than a decade Dr. Modi has used clinical hypnosis to help patients discover the sources of their physical and mental health problems, not only in their pasts, but even in their past lives. Now she targets the cosmos. Continue Reading